Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hope & Grace

I have these two little devotional books I like to read everyday, (oops, first call to honesty, So, I don’t read them ‘every’ day). But when I do read them I just sit and crack up with God. One is called, Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado and the other is, Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham. They are those small, 365 day devotional books designed to give you a reading each day of the year.

Now, on the mornings that I read these devotionals I always read the passage in Hope for the exact date that we are on. For instance, I read June 20th this morning.  When I read from Grace, I always pray and ask God to give me a page number.  I know, I know, this all sounds a bit wacky Christian to you, but for those of you who pray for things like this, well, I am fairly normal.

What has amazed me 99.9% of the time is that when God gives me a date and I find the devotion, it goes hand in hand with the exact thing I prayed for before I began the reading. It’s always so funny to me, that I usually end up laughing before I am faced with the absolute awe of the situation.

Take this morning for instance. We have been going through a very bad situation that has been brought on unnecessarily and has evolved beyond our control.  Although some days appear pretty bleak, other days are filled with hope that, ‘This too shall pass.’  There is an instigator behind our dilemma and he has fueled this fire with nothing but deceit, lies and treachery.  I have had to resolve that I cannot hate this person, but that I need to place all of this in God’s hands and let Him not only lead, but let Him fight this battle for me. As often as I think of ways to torture and destroy this man, that little voice keeps reminding me that that is simply not my job.

In my bible reading I decided to read Proverbs chapter 20. Since today is the 20th I wanted it to coincide with the date. (There are 31 chapters in Proverbs, if you read a chapter a day you have one for every day of the month). Ok, on with Proverbs.  One verse in particular stood out and I wrote it down.  Do not say, “I will repay evil.” Wait on the Lord, and He will save you.  Proverbs 20:22 (NASB Version)

I finished my reading and picked up my book, Grace.  I prayed again and asked that God give me what I needed to hear from Him today.  I was led to open my book on July 1. The title of the devotion is, Judgment is God’s Job, and the verse in the upper right corner reads, Wait for the Lord, and He will make things right.  Proverbs 20:22 (New Century Version)

I almost died! Immediately I started laughing. I was stunned that it was the same verse I chose to write down earlier. I mean, in a bible full of verses, God gives me the same verse – again! Wow! Only God knows what I need and ‘when’ I need it.  He once again reassured me that He was in control and a wonderful peace blanketed me. It is a familiar peace, the same one He has given me in every trial of my life.  I know whatever the outcome of this trial, God is in control and He alone is the one who will make things right.What an awesome comfort.  Someone asked me once, “And just how do you know that it is actually God (Jesus – same guy for me folks), who answers your prayers?” Well, it’s actually quite simple.  When I pray, which is often, I do not pray to Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, Mary, Kwan Yin, or any other deity. I pray to Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ alone.  When my prayers are so obviously answered, I know WHO answered them, and that has given me a rock like faith, because I don’t question if He is real or not, I have no need to.

Once again I find myself pretty excited. Tomorrow I will wake, I will study, I will pray, and I will read my devotionals. I can’t wait to see what God has to teach me!


  1. Robin, you and Jim are an inspiration! I am looking forward to checking in on occasion as you witness of Him.


    1. Thanks Aaron, but at the end of the day, YOU are one of my greatest inspirations!

  2. He is just too darn cool. TOO COOL!!!!! I LOOOOOVE Max Lucado's Grace for the Moment...he is one of my favorite authors over the years. That's the book that includes the story about courage that I love, the one of the mouse-turned-cat-turned-dog-turned-lion. I will never tire of hearing that story...never! I have something for if I can just make it to the post office. That might seem like a simple errand, but hauling 3 bambinos in there is quite the endeavor. especially if there is a line! lolz. but hopefully i can get there by tomorrow. Loved your post. Reminded me of a tweet Rick Warren posted a few weeks ago. He said "unkind people need our kindness the most. They advertise their pain." - luv u bella, the prayers continue xoxo

    1. Ha! I remember hauling 2 bambinos. It's memories like that that make me think I do posses a fraction of the Super Woman gene :0) And yes, Max is my all time favorite christian author. I am reading (for the 4th time) He Still Moves Stones... It was the very first book of his I ever read, it is full of comfort and inspiration. Thanks for sharing Rick Warren's tweet! How wonderful. I Love you too sweetie...
